Sales Ninja Phone Team - Reporting Overview
Weekly and Monthly Sales Ninja Phone Team Performance Reporting

Questions: Please email support@reivault.com with any questions or schedule a time in the Weekly Sales Ninja Phone Team Office Hours by clicking HERE.
Quick Summary
Distribution: Weekly Reports are auto generated out of Five9 each Sunday at 6:00 am Pacific for the for the prior week (Sun-Sat); Monthly Reports on the first day of each month for the prior month
Column Layout: Displays the Number of Dials (Calls), Number of Connections (List Contact), and Number of Converted Leads (List Lead) and associated percentages
- Number of Dials (Calls): Dials Made by both AutoDials (from Five9) and Manual Callback Dials made by the Sales Ninjas
- Number of Connections (List Contact): Connections made with a live person
- Converted Leads (List Lead): Qualified Leads and those tagged for further nurturing/follow-up. Includes the following:
- Qualified by Sales: These are Hot leads qualified by a Lead Processor after testing motivation and gathering basic information about the property, location, motivation, and price - but "No Appointment is Scheduled". Also includes leads where the Sales Ninja is not able to address and needs to Escalate to Sales Acquisitions; Seller Lead requests to speak Directly to Sales Acquisition - or - Seller Lead sounds interested but the Sales Ninja is not able to complete webform/qualify, etc). Lead Status in Podio = "Qualified by Sales"
- Qualified by Sales - Appointment Scheduled: These are Hot leads qualified by a Lead Processor after testing motivation and gathering basic information about the property, location, motivation, and price - AND Sales Ninja was able to set a calendar appointment. Also includes leads where the Sales Ninja is not able to address and needs to Escalate to Sales Acquisitions; Seller Lead requests to speak Directly to Sales Acquisition - or - Seller Lead sounds interested but the Sales Ninja is not able to complete webform/qualify, etc). Lead Status in Podio = "Appointment Scheduled for Sales"
- Follow Up - Nurture: Seller lead does not provide full qualifying information or is not really interested or ready now, but indicates it's Ok to to followup with him in the future (ie: next Quarter, Next Year, etc). The Sales Ninjas will Continue to call/Nurture these leads in accordance with Follow-Up DRIP campaign in Podio. The Lead Status in Podio = "Follow-up"
Row Layout: Broken out by Campaign type (ie: Hang-Ups, Viable, Follow-up, etc); List type (ie: Manual Call back and Auto Dialed); and by each Dial Disposition. Performance Subtotals for each Campaign (section) and in Aggregate in last row.